Top Tips for taking Psychic calls for LiveLines UK!
When people inquire about psychic reader vacancies or tarot vacancies with LiveLines UK, we often hear, “I could really use some top tips for taking psychic calls!”. We would suggest the following:
Practice – you need to practice as much as you can. Give readings to friends and family members so you can get a real feel for your tarot deck and your psychic reading abilities. The more you practice with different people and their situations, the better your abilities will become.
Attitude – always be polite, friendly and sincere and treat your callers with respect and they will hopefully want to speak to you again. Building a good rapport with callers can generate lots of repeat calls and greater revenue. This is one of the most basic and most important top tips for taking psychic calls for LiveLines UK! So remember this at all times!
Don’t judge – not everyone makes the same decisions as us in life and when you are accepted for one of our psychic reader vacancies or tarot vacancies, you will learn of choices being made that you may not necessarily agree with but please don’t pass judgement. There is normally a lot more than meets the eye and we can never fully know the situation. So, instead of judging, remain non judgemental and use your abilities in the best way you can, to help the caller.
Stay positive – try to focus and elaborate on the positives where ever possible during the reading and never fear-monger. Negative aspects in readings do pop up sometimes but remember, there is always a positive to every situation, it is up to you to find it. We of course do not want to sugar coat everything, however we must remember that we are not face to face with the caller so we cannot be sure that our information will be taken in the way intended.
Be clear – explain things in a clear and concise manner as this makes for a much better reading and helps you to sound confident and sure. LiveLines UK callers are looking to you to support them through some tough times and being clear on your subject can help give clarity and understanding to a reading. Try not to complicate things by explaining your spiritual ability too much, sometimes callers do not want to know your experience of reading or how you read.
Don’t tell the caller what to do – you may get to a point where it is revealed that the caller has choices to make and they may press you for your opinion on what they should do, but try to make it clear that they are in control and it must come from them alone. If you start giving callers thoughts on what you would do, they can become far too reliant on your opinion and people need to make their own decisions.
Nothing is set in stone – make it clear to the caller that despite the reading they have been given, nothing is absolute and all situations are subject to change from time to time. Many callers contact LiveLines UK for readings on a weekly or monthly basis so they can stay up to date on what is changing in their life. Providing a Psychic or Tarot reading can be a fun and exciting way to help people and provide insight into their lives and the questions they ask.
So, there were some top tips for taking psychic calls for LiveLines UK! I do hope that you find them useful and that you always keep them in mind when you decide to join our team by applying for our psychic reader vacancies and tarot vacancies. Apply now to become a part of our successful team and we look forward to welcoming you soon!
For psychic and tarot jobs, please apply here.